Thursday, August 31, 2017

June 2017 | Office Visits and MRI Updates

The end of June included Neve’s very first office visit with her main doctors since our initial consultation.  It was so great not being stressed about anesthesia as we made our way to Cincinnati.  Neve still skips her way through life, which helps ease the anticipation of these appointments.  During this visit, the doctor indicated that everything is looking great in terms of the cancer remaining dormant.  Everything looks so good that Neve’s check-ups are being spaced further apart to every 3-4 months.  It is such a relief knowing that she’s moving closer toward fully healed.

A few days later Neve had her six month MRI and appointment with her oncologist.  We received a great report that everything looks exactly the same as six months ago—brain clear, right eye clear and left eye clear.   This means that we are getting closer to a few major milestones:  Neve turning six and two years after her last chemotherapy treatment.  Neve turns six on August 1st and her two year post-chemo is the end of February 2018.  Neve will have one more MRI sometime between December and February and then move to an annual MRI and appointment with Oncology. 

When we heard this news, we were immediately taken back to our very first meeting with Dr. Geller.  In that appointment, he shared that there will be two major milestones to achieve—two years no chemo and Neve turning six.  We really can’t believe that we are so close!  It’s within reach and just what we needed to help approach her next hurdle of the cataract procedure.

In June, Neve also met with Dr. Yang who we were referred to for her cataract procedure.  Our consultation with him was very informative and helpful to understand what to expect post cataract surgery.  The procedure may or may not help with her vision, but it will absolutely give the doctors a clear view of her eye for future examinations to ensure the cancer remains dormant.  We, of course, hope that the cataract procedure will help bring strength to her right eye vision.

During this appointment, Dr. Yang gave Neve a prescription for glasses!  The main reason for the glasses is to protect the left eye, her healthy one.  Once she has the cataract procedure, then the right lens will have a prescription to help with vision.  Picking out glasses was so fun!  Neve picked out not one, but two purple pairs! You always need a backup right?  Just in case.

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