Tuesday, January 17, 2017

January | A New Perspective

As we enter 2017, we have a renewed sense of joy and perspective.  We’ve made it through some very tough times and while we’ve been forthcoming on this blog, there have also been some extremely low periods.  We’ve relied on your prayers and support, the strength from each other, and Neve’s positive outlook.  And we have learned a lot from how Neve handled herself with grace and determination.  I’m sure we’ve said it before…but we are so thankful to be her parents.

We will do our best to keep you updated along the way, but please know that no news is good news.  Most of all, thank you all for your support and prayers.  It’s been amazing hearing all the ways you’ve kept Neve in your thoughts.  And please know, if we can be of help to anyone by sharing our story, we are happy to do so.

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