Tuesday, January 17, 2017

September | Childhood Cancer Awareness Month

This is a post I wrote on my facebook page.  It sums up our frame of mind for September 24th the one year anniversary of Neve’s Diagnosis:

“I've been thinking a lot about perspective. Here are these three ready for a full weekend of soccer. You know what it took to get this shot- finding three uniforms, socks, shin guards, cleats, water, "smile! Like you like each other!"... Almost got there.

But I'll take every ounce of that. Because these aren't real problems or stressors. I know there is so much worse going on in the world and my heart aches for that.

However, we celebrate this day. One year ago today we faced any parents' worst nightmare--"you daughter has cancer." Our world came crumbling down. I'll never forget that morning. I watched her go back for her exam and knew our lives would never be the same from that moment on.
In a way, there was a sense of relief knowing they knew exactly what was wrong, but also a pervasive amount of fear. We faced that fear head on because all we could do was help her fight. And that she did. All three of these kids did.

Over the past year we've been forced to focus on getting her cancer-free. And she did it!! As we get further away from being in the thick of her treatments, we are getting back to more normal life. But we try to maintain perspective about what matters and what doesn't.

I'll take hunting for soccer gear down to the last minute any day over chemotherapy. #perspective #childhoodcancerawarwnessmonth”

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